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Notes on the use of hogarat catalyst

  • 发布时间:2020-12-21
  • 发布者: 本站
  • 来源: 原创
  • 阅读量:

Hogarat catalyst is made mainly from Copper Oxide and Manganese Dioxide. It has good catalytic effect on oxidation of copper (CO) at dry environment (normal temperature and atmospheric pressure). However, its disadvantage is that it is sensitive to water vapor. When the humidity exceeds 45%, the catalyst will be poisoned and invalid quickly, so it is suitable for use in dry environment. For low concentration CO gas, the effect of the catalyst is less than that of precious metal catalyst.

In the rescue capsule and refuge chamber, it is difficult to control the humidity below 45%. Therefore, if this type of Co catalyst is to be used, the desiccant should be installed at the inlet end of the catalyst agent. Pass the air with water vapor through the desiccant to make the water vapor absorbed and filtered, and then let the dry air pass through the co catalyst layer, so that the CO gas in the catalyst can be catalyzed into CO2.

In a confined space, the use of electrochemical CO sensor is easy to give an alarm, which does not mean that the CO in the enclosure exceeds the standard. It may be that the mixture of nitrogen and oxygen may cause the electrochemical sensor to give false alarm. The more accurate method is to use infrared CO sensor, and the co data obtained by this equipment is relatively accurate.

copyright:Xiangtan Yuhu District New Ideas Functional Materials Research Institute technical support:竞网智赢 湘ICP备2020018980号-1



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